New Manager Meeting with Team: What to Cover?

New Manager Meeting with Team: What to Cover?

Starting strong is crucial in any leadership role, and a new manager meeting with team is the ideal opportunity to build a foundation of trust, clarify expectations, and set the tone for future collaboration. Here's a roadmap for what to cover to ensure your first meeting is meaningful and impactful.

New Manager Meeting with Team: What to Cover?
New Manager Meeting with Team: What to Cover?

1. Introduce Yourself Authentically

Begin by introducing yourself authentically to the team. Share your background, leadership style, and key values. Over 70% of employees find it easier to trust a manager who is transparent and approachable. A brief personal story can help break the ice and foster early rapport.

2. Lay Out Your Vision and Priorities

Clarify your vision for the team and align it with the broader company goals. Outline your immediate priorities, whether they're process improvements or strategic projects. This provides a sense of direction and helps team members understand what to expect moving forward.

3. Encourage Two-Way Communication

Promote a culture of open communication by inviting feedback and questions during the meeting. Over 60% of employees feel more valued when their opinions are considered. Emphasize that you’re available to listen and support them in achieving collective goals.

4. Discuss Team Objectives and Challenges

Review the current team objectives and challenges together. Are there specific obstacles that hinder progress? Are there areas where improvements can be made quickly? This discussion provides valuable insights into the team's mindset and identifies immediate areas to focus on.

5. Establish Your Availability

Discuss your availability for one-on-one meetings or team updates. Let them know how they can reach you and what your preferred communication channels are. Over 80% of teams work more effectively when managers are clear about their availability.

6. Plan Follow-Up Actions

Wrap up by planning next steps and setting expectations for follow-up meetings. This could include a review of project progress or further discussions around collaboration styles.

Want to learn more about nailing your new manager meeting with team? Check out this guide to mastering your first meeting with employees for positive and lasting results.

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