Why does Ding represent unity, unity, authority? Those who know the answer are fast! Urgent needs !!!

It is the "Century Baoding" in China.

2 thoughts on “Why does Ding represent unity, unity, authority? Those who know the answer are fast! Urgent needs !!!”

  1. On the eve of its 50th anniversary, the United Nations received a precious birthday gift -giant bronze presented by the Chinese people -Century Baoding.

    Bay Dingan was placed on the green lawn of the north garden of the United Nations Building. The height of the Dingzhi is 0.5 meters, symbolizing the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations; the height of the Ding is 2.1 meters, symbolizing the upcoming 21st century. Ding weighs 1.5 tons, three -legged ears, slightly abdomen, round bottom, and around the surrounding area, the beast noodles, and the moisture pattern. The base is decorated with 56 dragons, which symbolize the 56 ethnic groups of Huaxia. Ding internal casting (zhù) You Ming (míng) text "casting Century Baoding, celebrating the 50th birthday of the United Nations". In front of Dingz, the four golden characters "Century Baoding". Behind Dingzo, "The People's Republic of China Gifts October 1995". The entire Baoding is simple in shape and exquisite craftsmanship (zhàn), which is a masterpiece.

    Ding in ancient times, it was a cooking utensil used by the Chinese ancestors, and later developed into a ritual. The Chinese idioms have "Zhong Ming Ding Food" and "One Words and Nine Dings", which reflects the unique position of Ding in ancient Chinese social life. As an important ceremony, Ding symbolizes unity, unity, and authority. It is a mascot representing peace, development, and chāng (chāng). This century Baoding, concentrated the great achievements of ancient bronze arts in the country. The ancient technology and modern technology of Róng (Róng) were in one furnace. Its overall structure (Gòu), artistic shape and decoration preparation shows the long history and splendid culture of the Chinese nation.

    The gifts from all over the world are meaningful. This Baoding apartment in China is deeper. Ding Zhiyang, Long Zhao auspicious. It expresses the good wishes of the Chinese people to the United Nations and hopes to create a better new century. This is also the common wish of the world -like and peaceful people

    The international organizations established after the Second World War of the United Nations. According to the UN Charter signed in San Francisco in June 1945, it was formally established on October 24 of the same year. Fifty -one countries participating in the charter are the founding members of the United Nations. China is one of the founding members of the United Nations, but due to the obstruction of the United States, New China ’s legitimate rights in the United Nations were not recovered until October 1971. According to the provisions of the charter, the purpose of the United Nations is: "maintaining international peace and security", "stop aggression" and "promoting international cooperation". The charter stipulates that the United Nations and its member states shall follow the following principles: equality of sovereignty in various countries; resolving international disputes in a peaceful way; shall not use threats or force or other methods that do not match the purpose of the United Nations to violate the territorial integrity or political independence of other countries; Incidents that belong to any country under the jurisdiction. The main institutions include conferences, security councils, economic and social councils, custody councils, international courts and secretariat. Headquartered in New York. There is a European office in Geneva.

    The charter is the fundamental articles of association of the United Nations, which stipulates the rights and obligations of member states, and determine the United Nations agencies and procedures.
    The purpose
    The "Charter" stipulates that the UN purpose is to maintain international peace and security; develop international friendship between international, cooperate with international issues that are economic, social, cultural and human welfare, and enhance The respect of human rights and basic freedom of all human beings; and it constitutes the center of coordinating the actions of various countries to achieve the above -mentioned common purposes.
    The structure
    The six major authorities of the United Nations are: conferences, security councils, economic and social councils, custodian councils, international courts and secretariat. However, the UN large family is much larger, and the budget of
    2000-2001 two years of budget is $ 2.535 billion. The main source of funds is the membership fee shared in accordance with the ratio approved by the member states.
    The fundamental criteria for sharing the ratio tables are the ability to pay by countries. When determining the ability to pay, considering the relative share of the total national product of various countries, it is adjusted to adjust the per capita income of various countries.
    In addition, countries also share the cost of maintaining peaceful actions; in 2000, the cost of peacekeeping is about $ 2 billion. The basic ratio table has been modified to become the basis for sharing this cost.

    Ne UN Family
    Ne UN institutional family is a UN Secretariat, the United Nations Program and Fund-such as the United Nations Children's Foundation (Children's Foundation) and the United Nations Development Planning Office (Development Planning Department ) - And composition of various specialized agencies. Each plan, funds and specialized agencies have their own councils and budgets, and formulate standards and guidelines on their own. In almost all aspects of economic and social activities, they jointly provide technical assistance and other forms of practical help.
    The United Nations was established on October 24, 1945, and 51 countries promised to maintain peace through international cooperation and collective security. Today, almost every country in the world has joined the United Nations. A total of 191 member states in the United Nations.
    When a country became a UN member country, he agreed to accept the obligation of the United Nations Charter. The United Nations Charter is an international treaty, which stipulates the basic principles of international relations. According to the "Charter", the four purpose of the United Nations is: maintaining international peace and security; developing friendly relations between countries; cooperation to solve international problems and enhance respect for human rights; become the center of coordinating the actions of various countries.
    The United Nations is not a world government and does not formulate laws. However, the United Nations provides a way to help resolve international conflicts and formulate policies on affected all matters. In the United Nations, all member states, regardless of the size, regardless of the rich and the poor, regardless of their political views and social systems, they have the right to speak and vote in this process.
    The United Nations has six major agencies. The conferences, security councils, economic and social councils, custodian councils, and secretariat of the secretariat are located at the United Nations headquarters of New York. The sixth major organ is the International Court, located in Hague, Netherlands.

    The conference
    All members of the United Nations sent representatives to attend the conference. The conference is a "World Council", which meets the most urgent issues in the world. Every time the member country enjoys a voting right. Maintaining key issues such as international peace and security, acceptance of new member states, and formulating the United Nations budget are determined by two -thirds. Other matters are determined by a simple majority. In recent years, the conference has made special efforts to make decisions through negotiation rather than formally voting.
    The conference reviewed 180 different issues at the 2001/2002 meeting, including globalization, AIDS, Africa conflict, environmental protection, and strengthening new democratic systems. The conference cannot force any country to take action, but the proposal of the conference is an important call for public opinion in the world and represents the moral authority of the international community.
    The regular meetings will be held from September to December each year. Special meetings or emergency meetings are held if necessary if necessary or specially worthy of attention. During the meeting, the work of the conference was carried out by six major committees, other subsidiaries and UN Secretariat.

    The main responsibility of the Security Council for the Security Council
    The main responsibility for the award of the Security Council is to maintain international peace and security. Whenever peace is threatened, the Security Council can hold a meeting at any time. All member states have the obligation to implement the decision of the Security Council in accordance with the provisions of the Charter.
    The security will have 15 members. China, France, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and the United States are permanent members. The other 10 members were elected by the conference for two years. In recent years, member states are discussing the problem of changing members of the Security Council, and are committed to reflecting the current political and economic reality.
    The security will need nine votes to make decisions. Except for the voting of procedure issues, as long as any permanent member of the country vote against (veto), the Security Council cannot make a decision.
    In the Security Council, when reviewing the issue of threatening international peace, first explores the ways of peaceful resolution of disputes. The Security Council can propose the principle of solution or mediation. In the case of fighting, the Security Council strives to achieve a ceasefire. The Security Council can send the Peace Special Regiment to assist all parties to maintain a truce state and separate the hostile troops.
    The security association can take measures to enforce its decision. The Security Council can implement economic sanctions or orders for weapon embargo. In a few cases, the Security Council authorized member states to use "all necessary means" including collective military operations to implement its decision.
    The Security Council also made suggestions to the conference on the candidates of the Secretary -General and accepting the issues of the United Nations new member states.

    The economic and social council
    The economic and social work organized by the United Nations and the United Nations systems under the leadership of the conference. As a central forum that discusses international economic and social issues and the formulation of policy recommendations, the Council of the Social Affairs Council has played a key role in strengthening international cooperation and promoting development. The Council of the Social Council also negotiates with non -governmental organizations to maintain a key connection between the United Nations and civil society.
    The 54 members of the Council of the Society, which were elected by the conference, with a term of three years. A meeting of directors of the Social Affairs Association held a meeting throughout the year, and a major meeting was held in July each year, including a special meeting of ministerial -level meetings to discuss major economic, social and humanitarian issues.
    The subsidiary agencies of the Council of the Society regularly met and reported the situation to the Council of the Economic Council. For example, the Human Rights Commission monitor the situation of respect for human rights around the world. Other institutions focus on the problems of social development, women's status, prevention of crime, anesthesia drugs, and environmental protection. The five regional committees are responsible for promoting economic development and cooperation in their respective regions.

    The trusted council
    The set up custodian council is to implement international supervision of 11 custodian territories managed by seven member states, and ensure that appropriate steps are taken as autonomy or independence of the host territory. Prepare. By 1994, all custody territories had achieved autonomy or independence, some became individual countries, and some joined adjacent independent countries. The last autonomy is Palau, a Pacific Island custody territory managed by the United States, and becoming the 185 member states of the United Nations.
    The council is composed of five permanent councils of the Security Council. Given that its work has been roughly completed, the Consortium Council has revised the rules of discussion so that it can meet when it is needed.

    In International Court
    If International Court (also known as the World Court) is the main judicial organ of the United Nations. It consists of 15 judges selected by the conference and security council. A decision. The country voluntarily participate in the proceedings of litigation, but if a country agrees to participate, it will oblite to comply with the court's ruling. The court also provided consultation with the conference and security council based on the request.

    The Secretariat
    The secretariat implements UN practical work and administrative work in accordance with the instructions of the conference, security council and other agencies. The head of the Secretariat is the Secretary -General and is responsible for providing administrative guidance for the pass.
    At present, the secretariat has several departments and some halls. There are about 7,500 staff in the regular budget preparation. The staff comes from more than 170 countries. The work location includes the United Nations Office of the United Nations of New York and the United Nations offices in Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi and other locations.

    If the United Nations System
    It International Monetary Fund, World Bank, and 12 other independent organizations called "specialized institutions" to maintain contact with the United Nations in accordance with the cooperation agreement. The World Health Organization and International Civil Aviation Organization also belong to such institutions. These institutions are autonomous agencies established in accordance with the intergovernmental agreement. These institutions have extensive international responsibilities in the fields of economy, society, culture, education, health and related fields. Some of these institutions, such as the International Labor Organization and the Universal Post Alliance, have been founded earlier than the United Nations.
    In addition, some offices, planning agencies and funds of the United Nations, such as the United Nations Senior Specialist Office (refugee Commissioner Office), the United Nations Development Planning Department (Development Planning Office) or the United Nations Children's Foundation (Children's Foundation) Responsible for improving the economic and social conditions of people around the world. These institutions are responsible for the conference or economic and social council.

    The all organizations above have their own directors, budgets and secretariats. Together with the United Nations, these organizations are collectively referred to as UN families or UN systems. They provide technical assistance and other forms of practical assistance together. The scope involves almost all economic and social areas.
    ● The United Nations has formulated the "World Human Rights Declaration" (1948) with great historical significance, and has formulated more than 80 human rights treaties that help protect and promote specific rights.
    ● The United Nations to maintain peace is an important tool for maintaining peace. At present, 87 countries offer about 47650 UN military and cultural personnel to carry out 15 peaceful actions around the world.
    ● All environmental conventions of the United Nations promote the reduction of acid rain in Europe and North America, reduce marine pollution around the world, and gradually stop the production of various gases that destroy the ozone layer of the earth.
    ● The United Nations and its institutions, including the World Bank and the United Nations Development Planning Department, are the main driving drivers for promoting development in poor countries. The aid value provided each year is more than $ 30 billion.
    ● In the past 50 years, the number of international laws formulated by the United Nations exceeds the sum of history.
    ● The immune vaccination work every year saves 3 million children's lives, but there are nearly 3 million children who died in preventive diseases. Children's Foundation, Health Organization, World Bank Group, Private Foundation, Pharmaceuticals and Government of various countries work together to carry out a new action-the global vaccine and immunohisties, the purpose is to reduce the mortality rate of children to zero.
    ● The World Grain Program provides about one -third of world food assistance each year.
    ● The rules and regulations assigned by the International Civil Aviation Organization make the world's air traffic more secure.
    ● The United Nations' appeals to raise more than $ 1 billion each year to provide emergency assistance for victims of war and natural disasters.
    ● A global movement coordinated by health organization eliminates smallpox in the world. Another exercise carried out by the health organization eliminated pediatric paralysis in the Americas. The goal was to eliminate pediatric paralysis around the world by the end of 2005.
    ● The cost of business activities in the United Nations system development is mainly used to help the economic and social solutions of the most poor countries in the world, with a total of about $ 6 billion each year (except for the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and International Agricultural Development Fund). This number is equivalent to 0.75%of the world's military expenditure of more than 800 billion US dollars.

    About "Ding"
    Ding is originally an ancient cooking device, which is equivalent to the current pot to stew and put fish meat. Xu Shen said in "Said the Word": "Ding, three -legged ears, and the treasures of Wuwei." There are three -legged round tripod, and there are also four -legged Fang Ding. The earliest tripod was a Tao Ding made of clay, and later there were bronzes made of bronze. Legend has it that Xia Yu had collected the Jiu Mu's Jin Tanjiu Jiu Ding under the Jingshan Mountain to symbolizes Kyushu, and engraved the graphic of the charm to make people vigilant and prevent it from being damaged. Since the legend of Yuzhu Jiuding, Ding has developed from a general cookingware to a state -owned country. The country's destruction was relocated, the Xia Dynasty was destroyed, the Shang Dynasty, and Jiuding moved to the Shangdu (bó) Beijing; From the Shangshang to Zhou, the Dingdu or the establishment of the dynasty is called "Ding Ding".
    Ding is regarded as a symbol of the country's heavy weapon, the country and power, and the word "Ding" is also given "prominent", "noble", "grand" and other extended significance. During the period, help each other, and so on. Ding is also a ritual of Jing Gong's performance. The monarchs or princes of the Zhou Dynasty must be cast when major celebrations or rewards to record the grand occasion. This etiquette still has a certain impact. In order to celebrate the 50th birthday of the United Nations, the People's Republic of China gave a bronze giant Ding -Century Baoding at the United Nations headquarters on October 21, 1995 at the United Nations Headquarters on October 21, 1995. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet, the Central Government presented the "National Unity Treasure Ding" to the Tibet Autonomous Region, standing in the Square Square of Lhasa, symbolizing the development of national unity and various causes of Tibet. This move is far -reaching and cultural connotation.
    Ding is the representative of my country's bronze culture. It is a witness of civilization and a carrier of culture. According to the legend of Yuzhu Jiuding, we can think that my country has bronze smelting and casting technology more than 4,000 years ago; the Da Copper Ding of the Shang Dynasty discovered from the ground has confirmed that the business of Chinese business generations is a highly developed bronze era. The "mother -in -law" generous tripod collected by the Chinese History Museum is the bronze tripod in the late Shang Dynasty. Inside the belly, there was the word "Mother's Mother Wu", which was cast by the Shang king to worship his mother. The Dadu Ding, Da Ke Ding, Mao Gongding and Song Ding unearthed in the Qing Dynasty were all famous bronze in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The inscriptions on Ding and other bronze wares record the historical facts such as the seal system and register, sacrifice, and conquest of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and passed on the large texts of the Western Zhou Dynasty to future generations, forming the art of gold and calligraphy with high aesthetic value. Because of this, it is more worthy, becoming more important historical relics than other bronze wares. Aestheticist Li Zehou believes that Chinese bronze wares are the core representative of "unique three -footer -Ding as the core, the device is deep and strong, the decoration is thickened and mysterious, and the engraving is deep and heavy." Bronze art.
    The word "Ding" in modern Chinese characters has changed many times through Oracle, Jinwen, Xiaoyan, Lishu, etc., but still retains the style and body characteristics of "Ding". It is rich in cultural connotation.
    Bronze ware
    The history of Chinese civilization in 5,000 years was cast by Yu Yu's bronze ware. From the two thousand years BC, the first bronze wares represented by the Erlitou Culture in the Yellow River Basin (ie, the East Mestern Suburb of the Thirteenth Dynasties) and its upstream Qijia Culture, which is more than 4,000 years ago History has become a bronze era that lasted more than 2,000 years, occupying an important position in the history of Chinese civilization. In the early days of bronze, only pottery products were scattered, while in the late period of the bronze era, it was replaced by porcelain and iron products. Therefore, in the long history of bronze wares for more than 2,000 years, its products are all colorful, and their craftsmanship is shining. There are all kinds of copper Ding heavy weapons symbolized, as well as various court rituals, sacrifices, wine vessels, wines and daily necessities, furnishings, crafts, crafts, crafts, and crafts, and crafts, and crafts, and crafts, and crafts. Its shape also spreads all kinds of forms and accessories such as dragon, tiger, cattle, horses, sheep, deer, elephant, birds, birds, and birds. Tattoos, turtle fish patterns, twists and turns, cloud -thunder patterns, pupae patterns, geometric patterns, bamboo patterns, diamond patterns, straight lines, oblique patterns, hexagnal patterns, leaf patterns and other dozens. From daily necessities to musical instruments, from jewelry to war weapons. It can be said that the stars are full of sky, there are many varieties, which are endless, which fully records the glorious era of the history of Chinese civilization. It is also the royal family, court, waiting door, and the counts. Fully and sophisticated evidence

  2. Regarding the origin and role of "Ding": Ding was originally an ancient cooking device, which is equivalent to the current pot to stew and put fish meat. Xu Shen said in "Said the Word": "Ding, three -legged ears, and the treasures of Wuwei." There are three -legged round tripod, and there are also four -legged Fang Ding. The earliest tripod was a Tao Ding made of clay, and later there were bronzes made of bronze. Legend has it that Xia Yu had collected the Jiu Mu's Jin Tanjiu Jiu Ding under the Jingshan Mountain to symbolizes Kyushu, and engraved the graphic of the charm to make people vigilant and prevent it from being damaged. Since the legend of Yuzhu Jiuding, Ding has developed from a general cookingware to a state -owned country. The country's destruction was relocated, the Xia Dynasty was destroyed, the Shang Dynasty, and Jiuding moved to the Shangdu (bó) Beijing; From the Shangshang to Zhou, the Dingdu or the establishment of the dynasty is called "Ding Ding".

    Ding is regarded as a symbol of the country's heavy weapon, the country and power, and the word "Ding" is also given "prominent", "noble", "grand" and other extended significance, such as: a word Jiuding , Dading, heyday, helping each other, and so on. Ding is also a ritual of Jing Gong's performance. The monarchs or princes of the Zhou Dynasty must be cast when major celebrations or rewards to record the grand occasion. This etiquette still has a certain impact. In order to celebrate the 50th birthday of the United Nations, the People's Republic of China gave a bronze giant Ding -Century Baoding at the United Nations headquarters on October 21, 1995 at the United Nations Headquarters on October 21, 1995. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the peaceful liberation of Tibet, the Central Government presented the "National Unity Treasure Ding" to the Tibet Autonomous Region, standing in the Square Square of Lhasa, symbolizing the development of national unity and various causes of Tibet. This move is far -reaching and cultural connotation.

    Ding is the representative of my country's bronze culture. It is a witness of civilization and a carrier of culture. According to the legend of Yuzhu Jiuding, we can think that my country has bronze smelting and casting technology more than 4,000 years ago; the Da Copper Ding of the Shang Dynasty discovered from the ground has confirmed that the business of Chinese business generations is a highly developed bronze era. The "mother -in -law" generous tripod collected by the Chinese History Museum is the bronze tripod in the late Shang Dynasty. Inside the belly, there was the word "Mother's Mother Wu", which was cast by the Shang king to worship his mother. The Dadu Ding, Da Ke Ding, Mao Gongding and Song Ding unearthed in the Qing Dynasty were all famous bronze in the Western Zhou Dynasty. The inscriptions on Ding and other bronze wares record the historical facts such as the seal system and register, sacrifice, and conquest of the Shang and Zhou dynasties, and passed on the large texts of the Western Zhou Dynasty to future generations, forming the art of gold and calligraphy with high aesthetic value. Because of this, it is more worthy, becoming more important historical relics than other bronze wares. Aestheticist Li Zehou believes that Chinese bronze wares are the core representative of "unique three -footer -Ding as the core, the device is deep and strong, the decoration is thickened and mysterious, and the engraving is deep and heavy." Bronze art.

    The "Ding" in modern Chinese characters has changed many times through Oracle, Jinwen, Xiaoyan, Lishu, etc., but still retains the style and body characteristics of the "Ding". Its words are almost integrated and have rich cultural connotations.

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