4 thoughts on “Why is diamond so expensive?”

  1. 1. Rareness

    diamond is the rough of diamonds. The number of diamond mines in the world is relatively small. Not all diamonds can be polished into diamonds. Among the mining of diamonds, only 20 % can be used to process diamonds. Therefore, diamonds are very rare. The so -called things are rare, and the price of diamonds is naturally high.
    2. The difficulty of processing is large
    The diamond processing procedures are complicated and the working hours are large. From rough diamond to bright boutique drills, there are many steps, including designing lines, split diamonds, sawing diamonds, drilling diamonds, cleaning classification, etc. With rich experience, if you accidentally take the joint efforts of tens of thousands of people to destroy them once.
    3, the charm of diamonds
    The diamond is a variety of hardness, strong refraction, high -color scattered gemstone, it is beautiful, hard and eternal, which is incomparable with other gems. The cut diamonds are dazzling, eye -catching, and beautiful, and few people can resist the temptation of diamonds.
    4, the significance of diamonds
    people's love for diamonds is also a major reason for diamond prices. Since ancient times, diamonds have been regarded as a symbol of wealth and power by humans. For example, the crown and scepter of the British Queen mostly inlaidd the huge diamonds. In modern times, diamonds have been given the meaning of love.
    It people's opinion that diamonds are the most symbolic gems of love. It is pure, transparent, indestructible, and eternal, just like the purity, eternal love and loyalty that people have been pursuing.
    5, diamond preservation, collection value
    as a precious gemstone formed, diamond resources are very limited, which also determines its rarity. The so -called things are rare and expensive. It is precisely because of limited resources that diamonds have certain appreciation and collection value. Many people buy high -level and large diamonds for collection and appreciation.
    The expansion information

    The maintenance method
    1. When doing housework, do not let the wearing diamonds dyed with oil or bleaching water. Oil pollution will affect the luster of the diamond ornament; Creating spots.
    2. It is not advisable to wear diamond ornaments for heavy work. Although the diamond is hard and wear -resistant, it may also be damaged if the texture is hit according to its texture direction.
    3. Do not put the diamond or other jewelry in a drawer or jewelry box, because the diamond will scrape other jewelry when rubbing. At the same time, platinum jewelry should not be worn at the same time as gold jewelry at the same time. Because gold is soft, if rubbing each other, it will not only damage the gold jewelry, but also make the gold dye on the platinum, make it yellow, and it is difficult to remove it.
    4. Each year, platinum jewelry should be sent to the jewelry shop for inspection to check whether the diamond and inlaid are loose and worn to renovate in time.
    5, diamonds are adhesive to fat, diamonds that stick to skin fat, cosmetics and kitchen oils will lose their gloss, so they should be cleaned once a month. The method of cleaning is: Soak the platinum jewelry into the jewelry cleaning solution for about 5 minutes. After removing, use a small toothbrush to brush the diamond, then put it in the filter and rinse it with water, and finally dry the moisture with a soft cloth.
    6, diamonds are the hardest things in the world, but in fact it is afraid of impact. Due to the special molecular structure, although it can scratch traces on any gem, it cannot stand the collision. Especially the "claw inlaid" diamond, the diamond waist is fragile.
    7. Diamond rings should be removed when doing heavy work to avoid causing the curd to be deformed by gravity and affecting the solidity of the diamond.
    8. The liquidity of the diamond is very strong and easy to stain in oil. You can't wear it during swimming, and the chloride bleach in the water will corrode the diamond ring. It is recommended to choose professional jewelery cleaners and instruments.
    9. Different gems are categored to prevent each other between jewelry and accessories.

  2. Pay content for time limit to check for freenAnswer Hello dear, explain as followsnDiamond obtaining difficulty in diamond mines often takes decades, even hundreds of years of efforts and labor, and costs greatly. Some people have roughly found that to get 1 carat (0.2 grams) diamonds that have been grinded, about 250 tons of ore needed. Therefore, the mining of diamond mines can be said to be a huge job. Whether it is open -air mining or underground excavation, the human and material resources invested are unimaginable. From rough diamond rough to bright boutique beautiful diamonds, there are many steps: design labeling lines, split diamonds, saw diamonds, drilling diamonds, cleaning classification, and so on. Each step also includes a lot of applets. Each program requires superb craftsmanship and rich experience. If you accidentally accidentally destroy the joint efforts of tens of thousands of people. Some world -renowned diamond processing often takes a few months, let alone cutting time. For example, the world -renowned diamond Diauman Diamond is three skilled craftsmen, working for 14 hours a day, and pondered for 8 months to complete. As a gemstone, diamonds must have three major elements of beauty, durability and scarcity. Diamonds are the only gem varieties that are the highest hardness, strong refractive index and high -color scattered, and are not comparable to other gems. The strong refractive index and high -colored scattered diamonds make it have the gorgeous fire color that other gems do not have. This is also its greatest source of beauty. The cut diamonds are dazzling, eye -catching, and beautiful. Temptation. Diamond's status in people's minds of people's love for diamonds is also a major reason for diamond prices. Diamonds mean wealth and power in people's eyes. Diamond English name Diamond stems from Greek words of Adams (meaning "unsteady"). Napoleon embedded diamonds on the handle of the battlefield because he thought that diamonds could pass it to him. Hebrews also have a tradition of inlaid diamonds on the chest armor. During the ancient Roman period, people worshiped diamond because it was a symbol of power. It is said that only the royal nobles had the right to wear diamonds at that time. Even in modern times, diamonds have this meaning. For example, most of the British Queen's crown and scepter are inlaid with huge diamonds. Almost the queen of other Western countries has a diamond crown. The relationship between diamonds and love is priceless, and also love. In people's opinion, diamonds are the gems that are most symbolized by love. It is indestructible, just like the love that is firmly selected. determination. The nature of diamonds is very stable and will not change themselves because of other external interference, which is like the unwavering love that people are pursuing. In addition, the diamond is pure and transparent, and it is durable. The diamond ring is like a lover's eyes, and it is affectionate to you, expressing the eternal pursuit and loyalty of love. Why is diamond preservation and collection value diamond so expensive? Another reason is that it has its own collection value. As a precious gem formed by naturally, it is really limited as emerald and Caibao. It has been proven to be about 2.5 billion carats. Can be mined for 25 years. A total of 350 tons of diamonds have only been mined since the mining diamonds, and the gold that human beings have been mining have ever had 166,500 tons, so diamonds are really rare. It is precisely because of limited resources that diamonds have a certain appreciation, collectible value, and the more expensive diamond collection value, the more and more rich people enter the ranks of diamond investment, such as the 3 color diamonds photographed by Liu Xiong, towards The 75.36 carat American diamonds purchased too much shows the value of diamonds. Through the above explanation of why diamonds are so expensive, everyone can find that the reason why diamonds are expensive are not without reason. In terms of meaning or actual value, diamonds occupy an important position in modern gemstones. As ordinary consumers, we may not be able to buy those boutique diamonds that are millions of millions, but it takes thousands of yuan to buy a diamond to witness love. Diamond price diamond valuenHope answering is helpful to younIf you can, please like it! Thank you dear! [whee]nMore 2nBleak

  3. There are three reasons:
    The first: things are rare, and the other: Diamonds belong to the monopoly industry, and the third: marketing is very successful.
    The rough resources of diamonds are very small. Diamond is a mineral that is buried in underground for hundreds of millions of years, and is a substance that cannot be regenerated. After thousands of years of excavation, the output has become less and less, and there are fewer rough stones that have been made into diamonds.
    A diamond processing and polishing are difficult. After careful sorting, the mined ore can be made into diamonds very few rough stones. After a detailed analysis of smelting and diamond blanks, the plan is determined to cut and polish in the case of ensuring weight, clarity and style. Professional cutter needs to form a diamond after a long period of time. Therefore The price of diamonds is also normal.
    A diamond, from its mining, sorting, processing, classification, sales, to the hands of the buyer, involving about 2 million people, a diamond ring is a natural creator and more than 2 million people. Crystals, after layer of processing, from the original inconspicuous rough to the original stones to the glorious king of gemstones, the extremely precious diamond is in it.
    This expansion information:
    The standards for measuring a diamond rare quality are mainly four dimensions, that is, the weight, clarity, color (color), and cut (CUT). It is commonly referred to as the "4C standard". This standard was founded by GIA (American Gem Institute) and is currently the most mainstream diamond evaluation standards in the world.
    Reference materials: Baidu Encyclopedia: Diamond

  4. Diamonds, in the eyes of scientists are the combination of carbon atoms, in the eyes of couples, which are autonomous token of love, and in the eyes of businessmen are jewelry valuable. But in the eyes of pedestrians, diamonds are just a stones with amazing reserves.
    In 1951, the Dabirs Group shouted the famous saying "Diamonds and long passes", and the simple and deep advertising words quickly moved the hearts of the girls, so that the proposal now, in the current proposal, in the current proposal, in the proposal, in the current proposal. Material is equivalent to diamond ring. But the history of opening the diamond found that the diamonds can sell for today's price, which is completely a textbook -like marketing method behind it. The Dabirs Group is not selling diamonds, but love.
    The diamond originated in India and traced back to the fourth century BC. At that time, people only regarded diamonds as tools for polishing stones. Before 1869, the output of diamonds was still not high, and there was no difference from the price of other gems. But in 1870, a farmer completely changed the status quo, and he found a huge diamond mine from a few children. The biggest of these is the Kimbeli Diamond Pit. This pit can be operated by 5,000 excavators. The depth reached 1100 meters until the pit was hollowed out and closed. This pit alone produced a full 3 -ton diamond!
    Diamond pits are discovered, and the world only digs no more than 20 pounds in India and Brazil every year. This huge discovery completely subverts the diamond market. In order to prevent diamond prices from plummeting, in 1888, Cecilia, investor of diamond mines, and his brother acquired the Dabis Farm in South Africa and founded Dobels. At the same time, he won the mining right of other mines to try to monopolize Diamond industry.
    But not long after, scientists have invented artificial diamonds. Through the chemical gas deposition method, hydrogen and methane are used as raw materials. Under a high temperature and high pressure environment, carbon atoms are extracted from ions. Packing and cultivating into a complete diamond. Its color, clarity and size exceeded natural diamonds, and began to quickly devour market share. Seeing that Daibers, the company immediately acquired the patent and production process of artificial diamonds, and at its peak, it mastered 85%of the world's market share.
    Is when other diamond merchants intend to sell at a lower price, Daibels deliberately put more diamonds in the market, quickly let diamond prices fall and defeat competitors. Dobils has also formulated an industry standard. From mining stars to various sales channels, diamonds worldwide are required to be managed uniformly by London institutions. Only more than 100 diamond cutting companies can be purchased, and the market price is determined by itself by itself. , Also proposed the concept of carats, 1 carat = 0.2 grams. It can be said that the market is completely monopolized.
    On monopoly, how to sell diamonds to people without demand? The answer is to tell a beautiful love story. In the movie "Titanic", the heart of the diamond ocean outputs values ​​in the invisibly, and diamonds symbolize love. Many celebrities and people in the society send diamond rings to express their love when they propose. With the celebrity effect, men who have hindered their face have begun to follow suit. Some snack packaging also has a pattern of diamond proposal, including some novelists who also insert the story of diamond ring and love in the works. It is passed on to us from all aspects of life. Diamonds are necessary for marriage proposal.
    The situation is that Dabirs cannot be controlled, that is, the opposition of the African war -torn countries mining of the country's diamonds, exporting to other countries for fighting funds such as guns and ammunition. Diamonds, because these are "blood diamonds". The United Nations has also passed the "Golden Belle Process Agreement" to curb diamond transactions in war countries. This agreement also rescued Daibers to avoid diamond flooding. From the perspective of the current total diamonds, each person around the world can be divided into 20 grams of diamonds. If the market is open, diamonds are cabbage prices. However, the Dabirs Company combined with other diamond companies to maintain the market price, only a small part of each year, and easily profitable in a long water flow.
    The diamonds are different from other golden jewelry, and it is not ideal in the second -hand market. The reserves are large, the price is not preserved, the price is virtual, and the characteristics of gold are not as good as gold. And who would like second -hand love? All gold on the earth is the product of the supernova explosion in the universe. Humans want to make gold and need to use fast neutron emission sources to bombard mercury 198, which becomes golden 197 by electronic capture, but this cost is much higher than the price of gold itself itself. Therefore, the total amount of gold in the world is very stable. In contrast, the price of diamonds is monopolized and hype, which can be called a textbook -like marketing "scam."

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